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Mary Ellen Kelley



Talk About Town With Mary Ellen

Host Mary Ellen

Talk About Town/Music... Get ready to tune in to "Talk About Town/Music With Mary Ellen Wednesdays Mid Day 11-2," a show that highlights the movers and shakers of our community who are making a real impact. Join host Mary Ellen as she interviews local community figures and delves into their inspiring stories, giving you a closer look at the people behind the scenes who are shaping our world. Whether it's […]

Meet Mary Ellen Kelley…

A passionate educator and globetrotter with an insatiable appetite for life. Hailing from Leominster, Massachusetts, Mary Ellen received her BS in Secondary Education English from Fitchburg State College and her MA in ESL/Bilingual Education from The University of Texas.

With a wealth of knowledge and experience under her belt, Mary Ellen has taught high school in Dallas, Texas, and with the Department of Defense in Vilseck and Stuttgart, Germany, Seoul, South Korea, and Yokota, Japan. Her love for teaching and learning knows no bounds, and she’s thrilled to share her expertise with the WLPZ Family.

Now retired from teaching, Mary Ellen enjoys unleashing her creative side through writing, music, and photography. She’s also an avid traveler, always on the lookout for her next adventure, and a voracious reader with a particular interest in world literature. And if that’s not impressive enough, Mary Ellen is also a whiz in the kitchen, whipping up delicious meals that will make your taste buds sing.

With her infectious energy and zest for life, Mary Ellen is a true inspiration to all those around her. Get ready to be captivated by her unique blend of creativity, intellect, and passion as she embarks on the next chapter of her journey with the WLPZ Family.

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